AI Agents and RAG

Inngest offers tools to support the development of AI-powered applications. Whether you're building AI agents, automating tasks, or orchestrating and managing AI workflows, Inngest provides features that accommodate various needs and requirements, such as concurrency, debouncing, or throttling (see "Related Concepts").

Quick Snippet

Below is an example of a RAG workflow (from the "AI in production" blog post), which uses Inngest steps to guarantee automatic retries on failure.


export const userWorkflow = inngest.createFunction(
  async ({ event, step }) => {
    const similar = await"query-vectordb", async () => {
      // Query a vectorDB for similar results given input
      const embedding = createEmbedding(
      return await index.query({ vector: embedding, topK: 3 }).matches

    const response = await"generate-llm-response", async () => {
      // Inject our prompt given similar search results and
      const prompt = createAgentPrompt(similar,
      return await llm.createCompletion({
        model: "gpt-3.5-turbo",

    const entities = await"extract-entities-hf", async () => {
      // Extract entities from the generated response using Hugging Face's named entity recognition model
      let pipe = await pipeline(
      return await pipe(response)

    const summary = await"generate-summary-anthropic", async () => {
      // Generate a summary document using the extracted entities and the Anthropic API
      const anthropic = new Anthropic()

      const anthropicPrompt = `The following entities were mentioned in the response: ${entities.join(
        ", "
      )}. Please generate a summary document based on these entities and the original response:\n\nResponse: ${response}`

      return await anthropic.messages.create({
        model: "claude-3-opus-20240229",
        max_tokens: 1024,
        messages: [{ role: "user", content: anthropicPrompt }],

    await"save-to-db", async () => {
      // Save the generated response, extracted entities, and summary to the database
      await db.summaries.create({

App examples

Here are apps that use Inngest to power AI workflows:

Integrate AI agents with Inngest

Integrate AI agents with Inngest

AI-powered task automation in Next.js using OpenAI and Inngest. Enhance productivity with automated workflows.

Technology used: Next.js, OpenAI
Explore: Code | Demo
Made by: Joel Hooks
PCXI starter

PCXI starter

A boilerplate project for the PCXI stack featuring an OpenAI call

Technology used: Next.js, OpenAI, Xata, Prisma, Clerk
Explore: Code
Made by: Inngest Team


Check the resources below to learn more about working with AI using Inngest:

  • Concurrency: control the number of steps executing code at any one time.
  • Debouncing: delay function execution until a series of events are no longer received.
  • Prioritization: dynamically execute some runs ahead or behind others based on any data.
  • Rate limiting: limit on how many function runs can start within a time period.
  • Steps: individual tasks within a function that can be executed independently with a guaranteed retrial.
  • Throttling: specify how many function runs can start within a time period.